课程编码 课程名称 学分
GC1209 心理影片观摩(Psychology Topics in Films) 2
GEOG1101 世界建筑史(World Architecture History) 2
ELC1016 文艺美学(Literary Aesthetics) 1
ELC1017 音乐鉴赏(Music Appreciation) 2
ELC1018 影视鉴赏(Appreciation of Films and TV Programs) 2
ELC1019 西方美术欣赏(Appreciation of Western Fine Art) 2
ELC1020 穿T恤听古典音乐(Classical Music Appreciation in T-Shirt and Jeans) 1
ELC1030 山水地质学与中国绘画术(Artgeology and Chinese Painting) 1
ENSE1102 陶艺欣赏(Appreciation of Ceramics) 2
FOLL1115 欧美影视作品赏析(English Movie Appreciation) 2
FOLL1204 日本文学与电影欣赏(Appreciation of Japanese Literature and Films) 2
GC1214 吉他音乐艺术欣赏(Appreciation of Guitar Music) 2
GC1215 美术鉴赏(Art Appreciation) 2
GC1216 摄影艺术(Photography Art) 2
GC1217 书法欣赏(Calligraphy Appreciation) 2
LAAR1101 中外风景园林赏析(Appreciating Landscape Architecture Around the World) 2
MATH1104 京剧艺术欣赏(Appreciation of Beijing Opera) 2
PA1101 当代华语文艺片赏析(Appreciating Contemporary Chinese Art Film) 2
PA1102 管弦乐训练与表演(Training and Performing of Orchestral Music) 2
PA1103 音乐欣赏(Music Appreciation) 2
PA1104 影视鉴赏(Appreciation of Films and TV Programs) 2
PA1105 中西方流行音乐赏析(Appreciating Chinese and Western Popular Music) 2
PA1106 形体与舞蹈基础训练(Fundamentals of Dance) 2
PA1107 舞蹈鉴赏(Dance Appreciation) 2
PA1108 戏曲鉴赏(Chinese opera appreciation) 2
PA1109 艺术导论(Introduction to Art) 2
PA1110 戏剧鉴赏(Drama appreciation) 2
PE1011 体育舞蹈(Dance for Fitness) 1
GC1218 影视动画后期制作(Postproduction of Film and TV Animation) 2
ARGE1101 多媒体动画与网页制作(Multimedia Animation and Webpage Creation) 2
ARGE1103 数码录像与影视制作(Digital Video and Film Production) 1
ARGE1104 数码摄影与图象处理(Digital Photography and Image Processing) 2

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